4230 High Street
Zachary, LA 70791
Phone: 225-654-4480
Fax: 225-683-8559

Immediate Need

If you have immediate need of our services, we're available for you 24 hours a day.

Order Flowers

Offer a gift of comfort and beauty to a family suffering from loss.

Obituaries & Tributes

It is not always possible to pay respects in person, so we hope that this small token will help.


A gift to your family, sparing them hard decisions at an emotional time.

Our Experienced Staff

Each of the staff members at Charlet Funeral Home, Inc. is committed to providing your family with the finest in personal end-of-life care. In fact, for years, it’s been comforting for area families to know that we are available to help at any time of the day or night.

When a loved one dies, all you need to do is make one phone call. From that moment on, we’ll take on the responsibilities of the physical care of your loved one, and the emotional care of those left behind.

Please take a few minutes to get to know our funeral home staff. We’re sure you’ll find each of us to be all that you would hope for in a trusted funeral professional.

Nicole Charlet Wilcher, CFSP, CPC,CCO, Funeral Director
Email: nicole@charletfuneralhome.com

Nicole is a 1993 graduate of Louisiana Tech University in Ruston, LA. She has a degree in Accounting.

She has 3 beautiful girls, Grayson Charlet, Kennedy Nicole and Lauren Weslee.

Nicole is a former President of the Louisiana Funeral Directors Association.

Miriam Charlet Morgan, Funeral Director
Email: miriamjcharlet@gmail.com

G. J. Charlet III , Funeral Director
Email: gj@charletfuneralhome.com
Office Phone: 225-683-5176

G J is a graduate of Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge with a degree in Creative Writing.

In 2002, he was married to Gina Garretti of New Orleans. They have two daughters, Georgia Kate Charlet and Magnolia May Charlet, and one son, Milo Jameson Charlet.

GJ is responsible for this website.

C. Jordan   Charlet, Funeral Director / Embalmer
Email: jordan@charletfuneralhome.com

Jordan is a graduate of Commonwealth Institute of Funeral Services in Houston, Texas. Prior to going to Mortuary school and since he has returned from school Jordan has worked as a firefighter and rescue squad member for the Clinton Volunteer Fire Dept, where he is currently serving as Rescue Captain.

He is an Eagle Scout of Troop 60 in Clinton, LA.

He is a member of FEMA's DMORT VI team, serving region six and has deployed to The World trade Center disaster and the disasters of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, working in New Orleans and Cameron Parish.

In 2000, he was married to Aimee Mouch and he has two handsome sons, Allen Jude Charlet and Colin Jared Charlet.

Miriam Stelly "Sue" Charlet, Funeral Director

Glynn   Mayers, Monuments

Bill Ford, Monuments

Shay Parker, Accounting